
Marr Mooditj Training offers  students a number of pathways to increase their employability opportunities. Our nationally recognised courses enable our students to gain careers in a variety of areas, while empowering themselves, their families and their communities. All courses are conducted face to face.

Marr Mooditj Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Code: 0393) committed to providing quality training and assessment services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Professor Fiona Stanley (pictured left) was named Australian of the Year in 2003 for her research on behalf of Australia’s children and Aboriginal social justice. She is a strong all and advocate of Marr Mooditj Training and the work we do.

We are committed to providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with the opportunity to access high-quality training and assessment services, delivered in a culturally safe and secure environment. We know that Aboriginal health is viewed in a holistic context that encompasses emotional, physical, cultural and spiritual health.

Proudly supported and funded by the Australian Government