52890WACertificate II in Community Health and Wellbeing
The course provides learners with basic industry specific skills and knowledge to enable transition into a traineeship within the Community Services or Health sectors at the Certificate III level or to gain employment in the Community Services or Health Sector (Allied Health, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Primary Health Care or Indigenous Environmental Health)
To be eligible for enrolment you are required to
- Be 18 years of age and provide Photo ID with proof of age;
- Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Descent
- Be residing in Western Australia
Marr Mooditj Training is funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development to deliver this qualification to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander equity groups and jobseekers.
Total number of units = 9
- 6 core units
- 3 elective units
- Students will be required to attend a (110-hours) work placement during their training
The full qualification will be delivered over 6 months, consists of 4 blocks face to face at 295 Manning Road, Waterford WA 6152, Marr Mooditj Training. Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm
- Counsellor
- Youth worker
- Community service worker
- Welfare support worker